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Dairy sector continues to push exports, up 11,5%

The dairy sector has seen positive data recently in terms of exports: according to CLAL, the consultancy firm specializing in the agri-food sector, the export of cheese and dairy products has been, not only, a key element for the progress of the sector in 2023, but also in the current year. In fact, there has been a significant increase of 11,5% from January to August 2024 with almost 450 thousand tons exported compared to the same period of the previous year, marked by +4,2%. The price of milk at the farm gate is also growing, reaching a price of €55,00/100 liters in Lombardy in October, with an increase of 11,11% compared to 2023.

At the same time, at the national level, deliveries of cow’s milk considering the period January-August 2024 (with February standardized to 28 days) recorded an overall growth of 1,1%. The increase in deliveries of cow’s milk at the national level, the turnover of approximately 19 billion and the strong international reputation enjoyed by Italian dairy products (hence the support for exports) are significant data on the stability and flexibility of the sector, which continues to see the expansion of production capacity and the balance of trade.


Cibus Link is the brand-new btob business publication, born from the partnership between PR Italia Edizioni and Fiere di Parma, which covers topics related to both food&beverage production and processing and the world of food retail. In addition to offering a distinctly analytical look at the issues of Italian large-scale distribution and international markets, all marketing and communication activities and initiatives of the platform will rest on four founding pillars: culture, training, professional updating, but above all interconnection between Italian production and domestic and foreign distribution.
This content was independently created by the editorial team of Cibus Link ( The publication takes full responsibility for the information presented, which cannot be attributed in any way to Fiere di Parma or any of its brands
May 5-8, 2025
Hours: from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. except for the last day, May 8, 2025, where the last allowed entry is at 3 p.m. and the event closes at 5 p.m.